3-2-1: Why You Should Procrastinate More, Reward Yourself More, And Do More Easy Things
Wisdom Wednesday #13
Hey fam,
It's time for your weekly dose of wisdom.
Here's 3 Idea-bites from me, 2 quotes from others, and 1 big-idea to think about this week.

3 Idea-bites From Me:
Reward yourself often. But never for no reason. The idea that we must either be a slave to the cheap-dopamine of the modern world or reject it entirely is a false dichotomy. You can use our modern reward technology of tasty food, social media, video games, TV, etc to your advantage by simply ensuring you categorize them properly: as rewards. You earn them. After you've accomplished something of value. If you can train yourself to use them as amplifiers to—rather than replacements for—success, you can actually increase your motivation to do things of value.
One of the most productive things you can do is become more likable. Some people are so brilliant and hardworking that they can achieve amazing things despite being unlikable (think: Steve Jobs). But the rest of us don't have that luxury. Becoming likable — learning how to play, have fun, communicate, support others, and make them feel driven to invest and confide in you — will 10X your opportunity, reach, pay, and impact (with the added benefit of making you and those around you happier).
Your inner procrastinator is the most efficient person you know. Use him. Most of us treat our inner procrastinator like a slave — we make demands, bully him, and then treat him with contempt when he doesn’t cooperate. But, in this light, is it really any surprise he’s more interested in playing video games than helping you? Slavery isn't only wrong (get with the times jerk!), it's inefficient. If you can train yourself to treat your procrastinator like an employee, or even better, like a partner who prefers doing things that have huge impact but take little effort he will gladly show you the ropes. Your vision and discipline combined with his strategy and creativity can massively boost your results.
2 Quotes From Others:
"It's a slow process. But quitting isn't going to speed it up." — alignandrefine.co
"When you change for the better, the people around you will be inspired to change. But only after they try their hardest to make you stop." — Steve Marabolt
1 Big-Idea From Me:
The Secret To Increasing Your Income While Decreasing Your Stress - The Impact Effort Matrix
This weeks big idea was really big, so I moved to it it’s own article. You can check it out here:
That's all for today!
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Catch you next time,